Archive for August, 2008|Monthly archive page

Converter 1.1 is out

We rolled out the first update to our Converter application. This 1.1 version contains new categories for conversion. We’ve added four new categories – Frequency, Power, Force and Volumetric Flow. The application now supports 151 units across 13 categories.

Interesting part is, after the latest version was rolled out yesterday, the sales went up drastically. It looks like if the apps are listed on the first page for the categories, they go up. Now I am not surprised to see app developers focusing on updates than rolling out new apps.

I’ll share some of the numbers for converter in my next post.

Here we start…

So…we now have a blog for TouchMeme. Here I plan to share some information about our experience in developing iPhone Apps, their performance, the market and other stuff.

Currently we have two iPhone Applications launched – Converter (A Unit Converter App) and Flight Status (to check your Flight Status). Both are currently available on AppStore. As we move forward, I plan to reveal some numbers for these apps along with some detailed info, updates etc.

Stay Tuned…